BMKG Visit to Review Inergen Fire Suppression System

The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) paid an official visit to PT Adiwarna Anugerah Abadi to review the Inergen Fire Suppression System in an effort to improve understanding and supervision of environmentally friendly fire fighting technology. The visit was attended by several BMKG officials as well as experts from the field of fire and security.

BMKG, as an institution responsible for meteorology, climatology and geophysics, also has an important role in ensuring the safety and security of vital facilities throughout Indonesia. One aspect of concern is the fire extinguishing technology used in various facilities, especially those in high-risk areas such as data centers and servers that play an important role in storing weather and climate data.

The Inergen Fire Suppression System was chosen as one of the main topics of this visit because the technology is considered to have advantages in terms of efficiency and safety. Inergen is a gas mixture consisting of nitrogen, argon and carbon dioxide, which works by reducing oxygen levels in the fire area to a level that cannot support fire, but is still safe for humans.

The BMKG visit aimed to directly assess the performance of the Inergen Fire Suppression System and its potential implementation in various BMKG facilities that have a high fire risk. In addition, the visit also aimed to explore the knowledge of how this system operates in real conditions, as well as reviewing its effectiveness in extinguishing fires that are safe for humans and without damaging sensitive equipment, such as servers and other electronic devices. The simulation was conducted by putting a human inside a cubical box and lighting a fire in it, then after 30 seconds Inergen will discharge and extinguish the fire without causing the human inside to experience respiratory injury.

BMKG hopes that by learning and understanding this technology, they will be able to install Inergen in their facilities, thereby improving the protection of their critical assets. In addition, the visit is also expected to provide valuable input in the development of fire safety and suppression guidelines in Indonesia.

BMKG’s visit to review the Inergen Fire Suppression System is an important step in ensuring that the technology used to protect vital facilities in Indonesia is always at the forefront of efficiency and safety. By understanding more about this fire suppression system, BMKG hopes to continue to improve safety standards and protect critical infrastructure from the threat of fire.
